The year ended for the Townsman Ladies this past Wednesday when they completed the mailing of the last edition that will be published this year. It was a full day for the ladies. First brunch at the new Daniel Pierce Library addition that is nearing completio, followed by a tour of the facility. Then it was off to the Blue Hill Lodge for their Annual Christmas Party. The tour was interesting and exciting and the food at the Blue Hill Lodge was great, and as always, served with a smile.
Beginning at the library...
As the library is in the final stages of completion, the ladies enjoyed ‘imagineering’ as Phil Coombe and Joann Gallagher explained what the final look of the library will be.
We hope you will enjoy the photos of the library tour as much as the ladies and gent, enjoyed it, as they saw the progress that has been made.
The Townsman ladies begin their tour ... Phil Coombe explains how this room will look upon its completion.
Barbara Barkley, Martha Ahrens (who despite her recent injury to her arm, was able to join the ladies) and Jean Helthaler
are joined by the work crew's mascot.
There is plenty to see. Although, Carolyn Coombe, Phil's wife, is quite familiar with the project,
she enjoys the tour from another perspective as one of the Townsman Ladies.
The placement of the beautiful windows utilizes natural light throughout the library.
The ladies started their tour on the third floor where the reading room will be located, then proceeded down to the second floor,
and then the basement level. They are still on the second level in this picture.
Here is Hulda Vernooy checking out one of the smaller rooms.
... and Karen Curry, one of the Townman's typists, takes a picture to show her mom, Alice Kelder.
Jean Helthaler imagines as Phil Coombe explains the details of the finished area.
Here Phil is explaining how the geothermal heating/cooling system will be utilized.
This system will not only heat the building in the winter, but will cool it in the summer.
Although not familiar with the technology, Hulda Vernooy, Joyce Lockhart and Barbara Barkley are enthusiastic about learning.
Martha and Barbara are checking out the pumps for the geothermal system as Phil explains their function.
The new addition to the Daniel Pierce Library will be a great asset to our community.
Whether it is a teen-ager studying or doing research in the Teen Room, a senior citizen reading a book by the warmth of the fireplace in the reading room, or a toddler enjoying their first day at Story Hour, there will be something for everyone in the community to enjoy at the library. It has been very exciting to see this work of art unfold and become a reality.
Click here for more information on the Daniel Pierce Library Building Project
After the tour of the library, the Townsman Ladies and Gents headed to Claryville to the Blue Hill Lodge for their Annual Christmas party.
Starting at the head of the table and going clockwise, Martha Ahrens, Hulda Vernooy, Barbara Barkley, Carolyn Coombe, Tom Smith, Karen Curry, Barbara Slater, Jean Helthaler and Joyce Lockhart
Starting at the far left then going clockwise, Karen Curry, Barbara Slater, Jean Helthaler, Joyce Lockhart, Tom Smith and Frank Comando.
Martha Ahrens at the head of the table, then clockwise, Hulda Vernooy, Barbara Barkely, Carolyn Coombe, Jean Helthaler and Joyce Lockhart.
Looking very festive and feeling very cheery, the Townsman Staff ended another wonderful year together.
They share in this wish to you all...
...have a very Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year !!
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